Laura Tucker, Erika Raper and Pat Noker. Photo courtesy of Homewood Public Library.
Two employees in the Children’s Department of the Homewood Public Library have been selected to receive $2,500 scholarships to attend conferences in 2024.
The Friends of the Homewood Public Library voted to fund a $2,500 scholarship in order for an employee to attend a national conference of their choice. The Friends is a non-profit organization, whose purpose is to support the library by raising funds and providing volunteers in the Friends Bookstore.
Erika Raper has been awarded the Friends of the Homewood Public Library scholarship to attend the Association for Library Service to Children National Institute in September of 2024 in Denver. Erika said, “I am so grateful for the opportunity to attend ALSC this fall. I am not only thankful for how this experience will benefit upcoming children's programming, but also for the Friends of the Library, whose continued and generous support helps make HPL such a blessing to this community!”
The Homewood Library Foundation also voted to fund a $2,500 scholarship in order for an employee to attend a conference in 2024. The Foundation is a non-profit organization which serves to enrich the Homewood Public Library as the cultural center of the community through raising private funds.

Aaliyah Taylor and Megan Cheek. Photo courtesy of Homewood Public Library.
Aaliyah Taylor was awarded the Homewood Library Foundation scholarship to attend the National After School Association Convention in March of 2024 in Dallas.
Aaliyah said, “I’m extremely grateful for the opportunity to attend the National AfterSchool Association Convention, due to the amazing gift from the Homewood Library Foundation board! It means everything to me that the board afforded me the chance to grow more in my professional development.”
Find out more about the Friends of the Homewood Public Library at homewoodpubliclibrary.org/friends-of-the-library and the Homewood Library Foundation at homewoodlibraryfoundation.org. Donations to these organizations are tax deductible and can be made at homewoodpubliclibrary.org/donations.
-Submitted by Laura Taylor, Homewood Public Library