Photo courtesy of Kim Dunham.
1212 Troop 83
Dallas Glass with Troop 83 at Dawson Baptist Church.
On Oct. 15, Dallas Glass made a special presentation to Dawson Baptist Church’s Boy Scout Troop 83. Current members of the troop said they thoroughly enjoyed hearing how Dallas has used the skills he learned in scouting to ultimately further his varied and interesting career.
Glass is a member of Dawson Baptist Church as well as a former member of Troop 83, where he attained Eagle rank. His father, Don Glass, is the current Troop 83 Committee Chairman.
His has worked as a soil scientist and vegetation ecologist with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service in Alaska, Wildland fire fighter in California and Nevada, ski patrol and avalanche Forecaster in the Sierra and Avalanche Education Instructor and Climbing Guide for International Mountain Guides on Mt. Rainier in Washington State. His hobbies include hunting, fishing, skiing, rock climbing, ice climbing, backpacking, running and cycling.