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Photo courtesy of Birmingham Alumnae Panhellenic.
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Photo courtesy of Birmingham Alumnae Panhellenic.
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Photo courtesy of Birmingham Alumnae Panhellenic.
High school junior and senior women are invited to join the Birmingham Alumnae Panhellenic on Sunday, Feb. 25 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at Samford University for Sorority 101, a free event for students and parents.
Sorority 101 will provide an overview of the benefits of joining a sorority and the recruitment (rush) process. Collegiate sorority members from a variety of colleges and universities will be in attendance to answer questions and participate in a panel discussion about sorority life and recruitment. Topics will include academic standards, expected costs, sorority recruitment, and how to make the most of your sorority experience.
Melinda Oates, President of the Birmingham Alumnae Panhellenic, encourages all young women to attend, even if they are unsure if sorority membership is for them: “Sororities are not the ‘one size fits all’ groups we sometimes see depicted in the media. Today’s sorority woman is independent, civic-minded, and self-aware. Members can gain so many practical life skills from sorority membership.”
Register to attend at birminghampanhellenic.com/sorority-101-event. More details can be found at the Birmingham Panhellenic website or on Instagram (birminghampanhellenic).
Birmingham Alumnae Panhellenic is a community-based organization affiliated with the National Panhellenic Conference, the governing body for the 26 women’s sororities and fraternities that make up its membership. For more information about the National Panhellenic Conference, please visit npcwomen.org.
Locally, the Birmingham Alumnae Panhellenic exists to promote sorority membership through scholarship awards, educational programming for prospective members, philanthropic projects, community participation, and civic leadership. For more information, please visit birminghampanhellenic.com.