This time of year the streets of Homewood are buzzing with pedestrians – walkers, runners, cross country teams from local schools, running groups from the Trak Shak, parents pushing jogging strollers and children walking to school. It seems as though every weekend there is a road race in the area of Homewood Park. Be sure to follow these tips to ensure your safety while using our roads on foot:
- Do not assume a driver sees you or is willing to drive around you. Just as you drive defensively, walk or run in the same manner. Do not assume that the vehicle will stop or give you the right of way.
- Limit the chances of being struck by using the sidewalks when available (it is the law) and avoid the busy streets.
- Joggers and walkers should wear bright reflective clothing. Early morning and late evening can be dangerous because of limited visibility.
- Take advantage of the many sidewalks and the jogging trail on Lakeshore Drive.
- Cross the road at a designated crosswalk. Do not take shortcuts between parked cars.
- Because it will impede your ability to hear, listening to music while walking or jogging is not recommended.
- Carry a cell phone with you in case of emergency.
- Above all, always be alert and don’t assume vehicles see you or are willing to yield.