Photo courtesy of Homewood Public Library.
Adult Program communico website - ASD - shreddingnov23
The Homewood Public Library will host a documents and electronic recycling event in back parking lot of the library on Friday, Nov. 17 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Gone For Good’s shredding truck will be on-site to destroy sensitive documents and files. Please do not bring any metal or plastic. Limit of two bags or boxes of documents per person. The boxed paper will be shredded, and the boxes returned.
Protec Recycling will also be on hand to take and recycle old computers, household electronics, small appliances, and other items. Secure cell phone destruction will be available for $5, and hard drive destruction for $10.
Flat-panel TVs will not be accepted at this time.
This program is a cooperative project of the Homewood Library, Protec Recycling, Gone For Good, and the Kiwanis Club of Homewood-Mountain Brook.
-Submitted by Homewood Public Library