The Homewood Public Library will host a special event in honor of International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
"On the Possibilities & Limits of Forgiveness" will be held in the Large Auditorium beginning at 3 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 28.
A panel will be answering the question raised in Simon Wiesenthal’s book The Sunflower: You are a prisoner in a concentration camp. A dying Nazi soldier asks for your forgiveness. What would you do?
The panel consists of Ann Mollengarden, a survivor’s daughter and researcher for the Alabama Holocaust Education Center; Chris Berdy, a 2G survivor and a lawyer interested in post-war justice and working to bring stolen artwork back to its rightful Jewish owners; Rabbi Weinbaum of Chabad and Rabbi Friedman; and The Rev. Katherine Harper, Associate Rector for Pastoral Care & Liturgy at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church. Each participant will answer the question about the possibilities and limitsof forgiveness in light of their own life experiences.
Register for this event at homewoodpubliclibrary.org.
--Submitted by Laura Tucker, Homewood Public Library