Nov. 1: Bark and Books. 3:30 p.m. Homewood Public Library, Round Auditorium. Spend an afternoon with friends from the Greater Birmingham Humane Society by reading (or just simply hanging out) with some friendly pups. homewoodpubliclibrary.org/events.
Nov. 2: Business Women of Homewood Meeting. 5 p.m. Homewood Public Library. An event for all female business owners in Homewood. Join other like-minded women at this free networking event. In addition to connecting with other business women, attendees will hear from counselor Christy Hayes about how to prioritize their personal needs amid the busy holiday season. business.homewoodchamber.org/events.
Nov. 2: Holiday Open House. 5-8 p.m. Downtown Homewood. The Homewood Chamber of Commerce kicks off the holiday season with the Homewood Holiday Open House, featuring refreshments, shopping discounts with local businesses and more. Bring your friends and family to celebrate the season. business.homewoodchamber.org/events.
Nov. 4: Central Alabama Walk to Defeat ALS. 9:30 a.m. Homewood Central Park. Participation in the Walk to Defeat ALS has a direct impact on people living with ALS and their families at the local level through education, support groups, access to care and advocacy. Register at tinyurl.com/centralalwalk.
Nov. 4: Rise Against Hunger Experience. 10 a.m. to noon. John Carroll Catholic High School. Help celebrate the 25th anniversary of Rise Against Hunger by donating to support hunger relief efforts across the globe. An $85 donation can feed a child one meal a day for an entire school year. The goal is to pack over 10,000 meals with people from all over Birmingham and share about Rise Against Hunger's efforts to end world hunger. riseagainsthunger.org
Nov. 9: Richard Stoltzman, Clarinetist. 7 p.m. Samford University, Brock Recital Hall. Stoltzman is a soloist with more than a hundred orchestras, a captivating recitalist and chamber music performer, an innovative jazz artist, a prolific recording artist and two-time Grammy Award winner. Tickets $25 adults, $10 students.
Nov. 11: 76th Annual National Veterans Day Parade. 1 p.m. Birmingham City Hall. nationalveteransday.org/parade.
Nov. 15: West Homewood Read, Watch & Review. Noon. Homewood Senior Center. A different take on the book club — each month, guests talk about topics rather than all reading one book. Pick any book, audiobook or movie that you’d like, within the topic, and come share about it. If you have a hard time choosing, check our online display with suggestions for each month’s topic. homewoodpubliclibrary.org
Nov. 16: StoryTellers Live. 9:30 a.m. 133 Gillon Dr., Homewood. StoryTellers Live now includes open submissions of stories from women (and men) all over the country who long to tell of the difference God has made in their life. storytellerslive.org

Nov. 19: Matthew West: My Story, Your Glory. Samford University, Wright Center. West, renowned for his impressive songwriting with hits like “The God Who Stays,” “Truth Be Told” and “Hello My Name Is,” will bring his latest album to life with a performance that will inspire. Also featuring Micah Tyler, whose humor and undeniable stage presence will have the audience laughing, dancing and singing along. Tickets $19.75-$75 available at samford.edu/wrightcenter/events