Solomon Crenshaw Jr.
Birmingham Luxury Motors wanted the logo on its sign to be 54 inches in height. The city ordinance only allows logos to be 36 inches in height.
The Homewood City Council told Birmingham Luxury Motors that enough is enough in Monday's meeting, a response to the company's request for a sign variance at 190 Vulcan Road.
The company wanted the logo on its sign to be 54 inches in height. The city ordinance permits such a logo to be 36 inches in height.
The logo is already on a 15-foot monument sign at the building, a reality that wasn’t lost on Councilmember Jalete Nelms.
“If we have a monument, that is what folks are going to see coming and going,” Nelms said. “They’re going to know where they are and what the logo is before they turn into the facility.
“I think it looks great. I think the whole establishment is really nice and it’s really an uplift for that area,” she continued. “I think it’s beautiful but I don’t want to see an overabundance of variances. I feel like it’s adequate on the monument sign.”
Council President Alex Wyatt said the monument sign serves the purpose. “There’s no way you miss that monument,” he said with a laugh. “It’s well done but there no way you’re missing it.”
“The monument suffices in terms of bringing attention to that business,” Carlos Alemàn added. “It’s a great looking establishment but it doesn’t really require a variance.”
A motion to approve the variance request failed on a 1-8 vote.
In a related matter, the council carried over a request for a sign variance for The Edge at 817 Green Springs Highway. The request was for letters in the sign to be 64¼ inches in height instead of 36 inches as the ordinance requires. The council carried the matter over to get information about an accompanying monument sign.
In other business, the council approved a budget transfer to drain repairs on Green Springs Highway. It also authorized the mayor to sign a contract with UAB for medical direction with Homewood Fire Department.