Photo by Erin Nelson.
Patrick McClusky, the newly elected mayor for the city of Homewood, stands beneath the trees at Patriot Park on Oct. 14. McClusky is scheduled to be sworn in as mayor Nov. 2.
Summer is finally upon us! The kids are out of school, the baseball diamonds are ready and the pools are packed. There are so many amenities that our wonderful park and recreation board offers to our citizens, be sure to renew your memberships and go enjoy summer time in Homewood.
I am excited to announce a new program, in conjunction with the chamber of commerce, called small business spotlights. These will be focused editorials based on nominations from our local small business community. We hope to bring more information and special recognition to our beloved Homewood businesses. The chosen businesses will have a spread on the Chamber of Commerce website and social media outlets, as well as the city of Homewood pages. They will receive recognition in the annual State of the City Address, as well as the annual chamber magazine. We hope this opportunity brings to light some of the wonderful and unique businesses that we have here in Homewood. So, be on the lookout for these articles when they arrive!
City Manager Update: The City Manager Study Coalition presented to the council committees this month, so we are looking forward to this discussion as we move into the fall. If you have any questions about this process, please feel free to attend these committee meetings to learn more about this opportunity.
I want to say a special thanks to all of our staff with the Parks and Recreation and Streets Departments. We Love Homewood Day was fantastic, and they do such a great job of putting it together and cleaning up afterwards. It’s so seamless that you can barely tell that a major part of the city was shut down the day before!
Lastly, we hope that you all have a wonderful summer, and please be safe while traveling!
Thank you all, and go Patriots!