OLS first graders ‘flutter’ with excitement about at-home science project


Photo courtesy Mary Stephens Pug

Photo courtesy Mary Stephens Pug

A science project has some Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic School students learning about the lifecycle of a butterfly during their quarantined time at home. As a part of their study of butterflies, these young students watched their caterpillars grow into butterflies. 

Despite students remaining at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, OLS first grade teachers Jessica Taff and Emily Copes decided to move forward with the project. They invited their student families to experience the amazing journey of the caterpillar to a butterfly.  

“Many parents and students have joined us and are observing their caterpillars at home,” said Taff. “We have been receiving updates and pictures from parents, showing their children observing their caterpillars each day.” The class even has an Instagram page for them to post their updates. 

“Mrs. Copes and I, as well as some of the other teachers, have also joined in the fun this year to care for our own caterpillars,” she said. Students and teachers wrote about their observations in a personal journal each day, as they watched their caterpillars develop, transform to the chrysalis stage, and finally to a butterfly. 

“We are asking the parents to send videos and pictures of each release of the butterflies, so we can share them with the rest of the class,” she stated. “We love getting to experience this unit with the students as a class, even though it looks a bit different this year.”

Submitted by Mary Stephens Pugh. 

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