John Carroll Catholic High School choir performs with rock group Foreigner


Submitted by John Carroll Catholic High School.

Submitted by John Carroll Catholic High School.

Young and old came together at the Oak Mountain Amphitheater as members of John Carroll Catholic High School’s award-winning choir performed with the legendary British-American rock group Foreigner over the summer.

The John Carroll Choir took the stage to sing the chorus of the group’s former number one hit from the 80’s, “I Want to Know What Love Is.”

“I am incredibly excited that John Carroll Choir students had the opportunity to perform with

Foreigner,” said Maria Wilson, John Carroll choir director. “They worked so hard this past year and accomplished so much. This was an incredible reward that is well-deserved.”

Last spring, Wilson was contacted by the staff at Oak Mountain Amphitheatre to ask if the school’s choir could perform.

“When I received the call, my immediate answer was ‘yes,’ and waited for Foreigner’s manager to contact me,” she said. “I knew the students would love the opportunity, but was told that only 25 were allowed on stage, so I set up an email lottery – the first 25 students to email me their interest would be invited to the Foreigner experience. I also had quite a wait list!”

To prepare for the concert, the students held several practices the week before their performance. In appreciation for their time and talent, Foreigner donated $500 to benefit the school’s choir program. The money will be used toward the purchase of new choir robes.

-Submitted by John Carroll Catholic High School.

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