Troop 97 promotes 4 to Eagle Scout rank

Four young men in Homewood’s Boy Scout Troop 97 were recently recognized for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout.

Geer Prutzman has held the positions of den chief, troop guide, patrol leader and assistant senior patrol leader, and he has attended Florida Sea Base, Swamp Base in Louisiana and Northern Tier National High Adventure in Minnesota. His special awards include 50 Mile Patch, N Tier Geocacher Award, Duty to God, N Tier Lake Monitoring, NOA Camping Gold, Historic Trails and BSA Cyber Chip. Prutzman’s Eagle Project was construction of an outdoor classroom at Glen Iris Elementary.

Mark Burgess has been a troop quartermaster, patrol leader and scribe for Troop 97, and he has also attended Florida Sea Base and Northern Tier National High Adventure. His special awards include Order of the Arrow, National Youth Leadership Training, National Outdoor Award, NOA Camping Gold, BSA Cyber Chip, BSA Snorkeling, Sea Base Captain’s Club and Duty to God. Burgess’ Eagle project was a fire pit and benches at Trinity United Methodist’s Oakmont campus.

Reid Zuber has held the den chief, librarian, troop quartermaster and patrol leader positions in his troop, and he has attended coral reef sailing at Florida Sea Base and Northern Tier Wilderness Canoe Expedition at National High Adventure. His special awards include Arrow of Light Award, BSA Lifeguard Award, World Conservation Award, BSA Cyber Chip, NOA Camping Gold, BSA Snorkeling, 50 Mile Patch, Sea Base Captain’s Club and Duty to God. Zuber’s Eagle project was a 1/3 mile trail at Red Mountain Park.

Parker Allen has been Troop 97’s troop guide, patrol leader and assistant senior patrol leader, and he has participated in coral reef sailing at Florida Sea Base and Swamp Base. His special awards include Order of the Arrow, National Youth Leadership Training, 50 Mile Patch, Project S.C.E.N.E Award, Arrow of Light, Sea Base Captain’s Club, Duty to God, Snorkeling BSA, Mort Perry Troop Guide, World Conservation Award and NOA Camping Gold. Allen’s Eagle Project was the assembly of 150 hygiene backpacks for Highlands United Methodist Church’s homeless ministry.

– Submitted by Susan Zuber.

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