Free to run


Photos by Madoline Markham.

Photo by Madoline Markham.

Ken Jackson saw two dogs run full speed ahead for a 100-yard stretch. For all he knew, that might have been their first opportunity to run that far without being on a leash.

What Jackson did know for sure is that those pups would be able to make that same dash anytime they wanted in the future at Red Mountain Park’s new off-leash dog park, which opened Sept. 6.

“The dog park gives dogs the opportunity to run in an area bigger than most backyards and faster than most owners can run, and when they do that, they stretch their muscles, have better digestion and have better behavior,” Jackson said. “Plus, they get to meet other dogs.”

A dog park had been in long-term plans for Red Mountain, but Jackson’s financial gifts sped up the process. His involvement only began with a check, though. Self-described as “animal crazy,” he was instrumental in working with the park on the design for the space, wanting it to be the best off-leash dog park there is. 

Its new name, Remy’s Dog Park, comes from that of Jackson’s late Jack Russell/Shih Tzu mix, and the donor fund he used for his gift to the park is named for two of his other dogs, Mac and Tosh.

No other dog park in Birmingham is as large as even the large-dog section of the Red Mountain Park space. Its 1.7 fenced-in acres is half in shaded trees and half grass. A neighboring space for dogs under 30 pounds is a 0.7-acre version of the large-dog space. Both feature benches around the perimeter and water bowls.

A dog friend of Jackson’s, Mike from Hand in Paw, who is deaf, inspired him to initiate another 0.3-acre section of the park for dogs that are elderly, shy, injured, recovering or have other special needs.

The park isn’t just about dogs, though. Jackson envisions it bringing people together who might not otherwise meet.

Until a new parking lot is built starting later this fall, dogs and their owners will get to the park through a 0.25-mile trail from the main entrance. Jackson hopes it will give them a taste of Red Mountain’s trails that will convince dog and owner alike to try out more of the 12 miles of pathways available to them. 

The dog park is now open seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. but will start to close at 6 p.m. after daylight saving time begins. It is closed Wednesdays from 8 to 10 a.m. for maintenance work. 

Red Mountain Park is located 3 miles west of I-65 at 2011 Frankfurt Drive. For more, visit

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