Q&A with Barry Wise Smith


Photo by Sydney Cromwell.

Barry Wise Smith was appointed the Ward 4 Place 1 representative on Aug. 11, taking the place of Jenifer Champ Wallis. Smith is an 18-year resident of Homewood, the director of the nursery and parents’ day out program at Trinity United Methodist Church, and a freelance writer and editor. She is currently a member of the Homewood City Schools Foundation and delivers Meals on Wheels in the city. Smith has two children and has previously served on the Edgewood Elementary PTO.

Smith will take her oath of office and begin serving at the Aug. 25 city council meeting. You can contact her at 871-3844 or barryandkyle1@charter.net.

What do you like about Homewood?

Just the community. I have so many wonderful neighbors and friends who participate in my children’s lives. When I go places – to the grocery store or to restaurants at night – I know people and people know me and they know my kids. That quiet, small-town feel is what I love the most.

Why did you decide to apply for the Ward 4 city council seat?

Actually, I had considered running for the spot two years back. I found out that Heather Reid was going to be running and she is a dear friend, and I decided that I’d be best served and the city would be best served if I threw my support behind her...

When it came about that Jenifer [Champ Wallis] was going to resign her seat, I started having discussions with people, and I talked it over with my family and felt like maybe this was the way it’s supposed to happen. With my children older now, it’s a little easier to take time away from them and to do things that I’m interested in. So I felt that this was a good opportunity for me...

I love Homewood and I love working hard and doing things that are going to help Homewood, so it kind of seemed like the timing was all right and the stars were aligned.

How did you feel when you were appointed?

It was a little surreal frankly because Heather called me to tell me that they had voted and I had been selected, and I was sitting on the floor, balancing my checkbook and talking to my 11 year old...

But I’m really excited, and I’m ready to get started. I’m excited about learning because I know there’s a lot I’m going to have to learn, but I think I’ve got great people to help me.

What are your goals for your time on the council?

I would really like to do something that makes an impact. Jenifer Champ Wallis did an amazing job of reviving what had fallen by the wayside, which was the Homewood Arts Council. She really made an effort to bring that back...

I’d really love to take that on and hopefully be able to fill her very large footsteps and continue to build that back up. I’m really very passionate about environmental issues, so I’d like to be involved in that and just try to make decisions that lead Homewood in the good direction it’s already going.

What would you like to say to your Ward 4 constituents?

I just want them to know that I’m going to be open and available whenever they need me. I’m looking forward to representing them well and hoping that the next couple of years in this position will lead to more in the future because I’m really excited about what we can do for the city of Homewood.

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