Homewood Public Library extends hours


Photo courtesy of Judith Wright

The Homewood Public Library has transitioned into the next stage of reopening, which includes extended hours. The library’s new hours will be Monday-Saturday from 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 

Deborah Fout, director of the library, said she is looking forward to the expanding services.

“The Homewood Public Library has been a vital part of the Homewood community for 80 years," she said. "Nothing has ever changed that, not even the pandemic. The library is delighted to be extending hours of service to our patrons and look forward to a day in the not-too-distant future when library services can be fully restored."

The library will continue to take safety precautions including quarantining returned items for five days and sanitizing the library after closing each day. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the library began offering curbside services to the community.

“Thanks to the creativity of my talented staff, we discovered new ways to safely deliver library services," Fout said. At the height of curbside, the library was averaging over 1,400 curbside appointments a month. Curbside appointments will still continue with the library’s expanded hours. 

Due to the increase in hours, the library is currently hiring for several part-time positions. Any interested applicant can visit homewoodpubliclibrary.org/jobs for more details. 

— Submitted by Judith Wright

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