Finance committee considers safety measures at Overton Park


Rendering courtesy of Rusty Holley.

A rock wall feature in Overton Park's newly installed playground equipment is at the center of a safety discussion in Homewood's April 19 finance committee meeting.

Resident Benjamin Hinton contacted Ward 4 Representatives Barry Smith and Alex Wyatt because of his concern that the rock wall, part of equipment installed at Overton earlier in 2016, is dangerous to younger park visitors. Hinton said the height of the wall and the gap at the top, which is right next to the entrance of the playground slide, could cause an accident.

Smith said she and Wyatt have visited Overton and agree with Hinton, who has a 4-year-old and a 1-year-old. The playground equipment company included a sign that the playground equipment is for children ages 5 to 12, but Hinton and the representatives said they saw mostly younger children when they visited the park.

The most likely option would be to make the rock wall a stand alone feature and put something more suitable for younger kids in its place on the main playground structure. However, Smith said this would likely cost over $8,000, and Ward 3 Representative Walter Jones pointed out that the city had just spent $48,000 to install the equipment.

The finance committee chose to carry over their discussion and meet with the Parks and Recreation Department in order to make a decision.

The committee also:

The public safety and special issues committees will meet on April 25.

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