City Council condemns property, approves Chipotle sign variance


Photo by Erin Nelson. Starnes Media

The Homewood City Council condemned 137 West Glenwood Drive at the July 25 council meeting, after hearing from the property owner and a neighbor.

The property is owned by Mike Roberts, who has owned it since 2006 and has pulled three building permits, though council members and City Attorney Mike Kendrick, who does not have a vote, said little work had been done over the years. Neighbors Jesse and Rachel Cash said the only work done in the past three years has been in the past few weeks, after the city sent out a notice that the property’s condemnation would be discussed at the July 25 meeting.

Roberts said he has alleviated mold and put a new roof on the property, though Kendrick said the mold has not been certified as abated, with neighbors saying history says the work will not be continued after the meeting.

“This property is not fit to be occupied by human beings,” Cash said.

After the forthcoming Chipotle restaurant, located at 273 Lakeshore Parkway, requested two side variances, one for the rear of the building and the other for the side, the council approved the rear sign, but not the side, due to existing signage on the front of the building and a monument sign.

In other business, the council:

Carried over the possible declaration of 464 Cornelius Drive as a public nuisance due to recent improvements on the property

Carried over a request to set a public hearing for the vacation of right of way at 16th Street adjacent to 2901 Central Avenue

Carried over a Sept. 12 public hearing for the annexation of 314 Happy Lane

Carried over an Aug. 8 public hearing to add the fence ordinance to the city’s zoning ordinance

Condemned 2900 16th Place South

Approved a sign variance at 2709 19th Place South

Approved the fiscal 2021 audit results and moved about $67,000 into the rainy day fund

Set Aug. 8 public hearings for sign variances at 1831 28th Avenue South, Suite 175, 333 Green Springs Highway and 1722 27th Court South

Set a Nov. 14 public hearing to consider annexing Homewood Board of Education property into the city, which will be used for added parking at the high school

Approved vouchers

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