City clerk attends final council meeting


Sam Chandler

Homewood City Clerk Linda Cook attended her final city council meeting on Monday, April 25.

Prior to the opening call to order, Council President Bruce Limbaugh honored Cook for her 46 years of public service, presenting her with a framed resolution acknowledging her retirement. 

Cook has run elections, recorded minutes at council meetings, taken care of city documents and answered questions from the public throughout her 27 years in the position. Although her last official day is June 1, she’ll be using vacation time from April 29 onward. 

Cook’s replacement, Finance Director Melody Salter, will inherit the associated duties upon Cook’s unofficial departure. 

After receiving the framed resolution, Cook faced the cameras recording the meeting and addressed the remote viewing audience. 

“I just want to say I may have worked for seven councils and four mayors, but I’ve served you,” she said. “I work for everyone. I don’t work for one person; I don’t work for 11 or 12. I hope I did my best.”

Upon the meeting’s opening and conclusion, council members lavished Cook with words of thanks and praise for her help during her service.

"You have made a difference," said Ward 5 Representative Peter Wright. "I would dare say the city of Homewood is different, unique and better because of your service."

In the public safety committee meeting prior to the full council, the committee chose to begin considering a new public safety building, which has been tabled for months. Chief Tim Ross will be asked to gather proposals for a feasibility study, the first step to seeing whether it is possible to construct a new building.

The council also:

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