Seeing the beginning and the end

Dear friends and neighbors,

It has been another exciting month in Homewood. We held the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Target and then the Groundbreaking Ceremony to begin new construction for the Homewood Community Center. These are great events for our city because of the vast opportunities that become available when progress is being made. It’s almost a domino effect with one great event leading to another, and right now we are on a roll.

We continue to build new sidewalks, and we just met with a company last month about a new way to repair some of our sidewalks. If this concept works, it will save us thousands of dollars and allow us the benefit of having two options. It would allow us to stretch our budgeted dollars for sidewalk repair, and it could allow dollars to be utilized for additional sidewalks not yet scheduled. Whatever happens, I trust it will be a win-win for the city.

For me, projects always seem to be easier and flow more smoothly when I can begin with the end in mind. I don’t get frustrated nearly as much with the details of building a new recreation center if I can first picture the  kids, their parents, and grandparents having fun at the new center! Then I get excited about the details because there is a purpose and an outcome.

The same can be said for sidewalks. The construction phase is much easier on me if I can first picture our families walking, riding bikes and pulling their children in little wagons.

That’s when I drive down the street, smile and know the many hours and late night meetings were worth it.

While going through my city mail usually consisting of bills, notices of public meetings, and occasional lawsuits, from time to time I have the pleasure of finding a letter or note. The note one day last month was from Mr. Isley’s second grade class at Hall-Kent Elementary: “Dear Mayor McBrayer, we have a few questions for you like…..did you give the poor people money? Did you enjoy playing football for Samford? What position did you play? Did you win the championship ever? What is it like at Samford? May we have more bus stops?”

Another family on Morris Blvd. wrote me a letter as well: “Thank you for the recent sidewalks on Morris Blvd. Our family loves them.”

The note was accompanied by a magic marker drawing of a child riding a bicycle on a new sidewalk.

I have always appreciated getting those notes, and I have saved each and every one of them over the years. They are simple reminders of why I begin with the end in mind.

Homewood continues to be blessed, and I am grateful you allow me to serve as your mayor.

With kindest regards I remain


Scott McBrayer


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