White Flowers to close after 32 years in business


Erica Techo

Located at 2800 18th Street S. for the last decade, White Flowers offers gifts such as shirts, towels, prints and baby items including clothing, bibs, caps, pillows, sleep sacks and Bibles. Eric Watters, the son of owner Diana Hansen, said the store is one of many seeing a slowdown in customers.

"You just don't have as much business anymore," he said. "People don't shop like they used to."

He said White Flowers will shift its focus to online sales with a new website but the same inventory, and the same phone number can be used for special orders. They will also display inventory on Facebook and Instagram.

After closing, he said White Flowers may seek a new, smaller location or do pop-ups in the future. They can be reached at 871-4640 or whiteflowers.com.

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