Emily Featherston
Editor's Picks
Tuesdays: Terroir Tuesdays at Golden Age Wine. 6 p.m. 2828 Culver Road. Join Golden Age Wine twice a month on Tuesdays for a community wine tasting event. Learn more or purchase tickets at goldenagewine.com/pages/upcoming-events-page.
Jan. 6: Magnus Mondays Podcast Club. 6-7 p.m. Homewood Public Library, Room 108 (Lower Level). Listen to fictional horror podcasts and discuss them just like a book club, starting with “The Magnus Archives,” a weekly horror fiction anthology podcast examining what lurks in the archives of the Magnus Institute, an organization dedicated to researching the esoteric and the weird. Podcast episodes 1 through 20 will be covered in January. Register online at homewoodpubliclibrary.org.
Jan. 24: Chanticleer. 7:30-9 p.m. at Brock Recital Hall. Founded in 1978, Grammy-Award-winning Chanticleer is renowned for its diverse repertoire and skill. Based in San Francisco, the ensemble has sold over a million records and performed globally. They delve into genres like classical, gospel, jazz and pop, with emphasis on new works. Their dedication to new compositions won them Grammy Awards for “Lamentations & Praises” and “Colors of Love.” They've earned accolades for their bold programming, and Music Director Emeritus Joseph H. Jennings was acknowledged for his impact on the African American choral tradition. Purchase tickets at etix.com/ticket/p/30932434/chanticleer-birmingham-brock-recital-hall-at-samford-university.
Jan. 25: Salamander Festival. 1:30-4:30 p.m. Homewood High School gymnasium. The Friends of Shades Creek present their annual Salamander Festival, celebrating the native population of spotted salamanders here in Homewood. The festival promotes conservation and protection of nature, and the event will even feature live salamanders. There will also be arts and crafts, a balloon artist, live music and more. Several other local environmental and conservation groups will be present with educational information. Admission is free.

Jan. 6: Committee meetings. 5 p.m. City Hall.
Jan 13: City Council meeting. 6 p.m. City Hall.
Jan 27: City Council and Committee meetings. Committees begin at 5 p.m. Council begins at 6 p.m. City Hall.
Wednesdays: Barks and Books. 3:30-4:30 p.m. Homewood Public Library Round Auditorium. For grades K-5. Spend an afternoon with our friends from the Greater Birmingham Humane Society by reading (or just simply hanging out) with some friendly pups.
Thursdays: Game Nights at the Library. 6-8:30 p.m. Homewood Public Library, Room 101 (Lower Level). Whether you're solving word puzzles, building towers or unraveling mysteries, the library has something for you. From simple to complex, from lighthearted to more moody affairs, there are games for every level of interest and complexity. Feel free to bring your favorite game to share — aim for something you can teach a table of three to six players in an hour or so. Adults 18+.
Jan. 3: American Red Cross Blood Drive. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Homewood Public Library Large Auditorium. An estimated 38% of Americans are eligible to give blood or platelets, but of those, less than 10% actually donate each year. If you are healthy and eligible, please come out to donate. Most donations take about an hour, so book your appointment, roll up your sleeve and become a part of the lifesaving mission of the Red Cross. There will also be an option for Power Red donations. To sign up, donors can call 1-800-733-2767, download the Blood Donor app (Text BloodApp to 90999 or download it today) or go online to redcrossblood.org and enter sponsor code: HWDLibrary.
Jan. 11-12: ACT Weekend Workshop. 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday and 2:30-5 p.m. Sunday. Homewood Public Library Large Auditorium. This two-day ACT weekend workshop will help prepare teens with content prep and a practice test. Students will need to bring a notebook or laptop, pencil, calculator and bottled beverage/snack. $40 per teen. A pizza lunch is included on Saturday. Register online at homewoodpubliclibrary.org.

Jan. 18: 9th annual MLK Day 5K Drum Run Birmingham. 7-10:30 a.m. at 1700 4th Ave. N., Birmingham. Hosted by The Leftover Energy Foundation, the MLK Day 5K Drum Run is a fun and active event to celebrate the MLK Day holiday weekend. Since its 2012 inception in Atlanta, the race has grown to over 2,000 runners/walkers and featured over 200 drummers from metro area schools and groups. The race features a 5K, a 10K and a 1-mile fun run/walk options for both youth and adults. Participants will enjoy live drumline performances from local schools along the course, enhancing the festive atmosphere. The event promotes inclusivity, welcoming individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Each participant receives a race goodie bag, including an official event shirt, and there are incentives for nonprofit and community groups to register as teams. Visit mlkday5kbham.com for more information or to register.

Jan. 3: The 64’s. 8 p.m. Otey’s in Edgewood.
Jan. 4: Rob Thorworth. 9 p.m. Otey’s in Edgewood.
Jan. 10: Devine & Co. 9 p.m. Otey’s in Edgewood.
Jan. 30-Feb. 9: “Dearly Beloved.” Homewood Theatre. Hilarity, Texas style! An over-the-top wedding, three feuding sisters and a church full of small town eccentrics. What could possibly go wrong? In this fast-paced, laugh-a-minute comedy, the Futrelle sisters of Fayro, Texas –—Frankie, Twink and their estranged sister, Honey Raye — are thrown together to pull off a family wedding. But it is not going well. Frankie’s oldest twin daughter is marrying the son of the queen of what passes for high society in Fayro, and Frankie is desperate to make this wedding an elegant affair. It soon becomes obvious that Fate has other plans … Purchase tickets at ci.ovationtix.com/35375/production/1198660.