Illustration by Sarah Owens
Homewood city council on Monday passed an ordinance to hire a city manager, completing a necessary step to fill the role by March.
Councilwoman Barry Smith said the move was required under Ala Code Section 11-43-20, stating the council had to pass the ordinance no less than 30 days and no more than 60 days in advance of hiring a city manager.
Smith, who is serving on the ad hoc committee tasked with hiring an interim city manager, said the ordinance had to be passed at that meeting in order for them to make a hire by the proposed March 1 timeline.
The city has interviewed six candidates so far, and there are two more interviews scheduled for Tuesday. Read more about the interviews here. Tuesday's interviews will be available to watch on the city's live stream at 4 and 4:45 p.m.
The following items were also passed by the council:
- Request to authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with UES Professional Services for testing of concrete repairs to City Hall Plaza.
- Request to surplus filing cabinets and miscellaneous Finance Department items.
- Request to upgrade Accounting Assistant II position to Revenue Examiner and to promote a Revenue Examiner to Senior Revenue Examiner. This change corrected the employee's title to more accurately reflect their role responsibilities and did not result in a salary adjustment.
- Request to authorize the Mayor to sign contract with Gossett Construction to install a sidewalk along the west side of 700-800 block of Columbiana Road.
- Request to authorize the Mayor to sign contract with Great Southern Recreation for playground surfacing and equipment at Saulter Road.
- Request permission to install up to 14 parking spaces and up to 3 tree wells in the right-of-way at 2703 19th Place South.
- Request for permission for facility use agreement for the plaza for Taste of Homewood.
- Request to accept the 2023-2024 Annual Storm Water Report to submit to ADEM by Jan. 31.
- Request to consider professional services related to payroll.
Watch the full meeting below: