Illustration by Sarah Owens
The city is hosting a public hearing on Tuesday during a Planning Commission meeting, offering residents an opportunity to comment on a potential Lakeshore Senior Living development on Hugh Circle.
Some residents are opposing the plan, citing concerns that the development would increase noise, traffic and light spillage and reduce property values of the surrounding homes. Residents also listed the increased demand on Homewood's emergency services and the threat to the charm of the surrounding neighborhood as concerns.
A petition supporting their opposition of the proposed facility will be presented at the meeting. If you cannot be in attendance but would like to send your thoughts, email Fred Goodwin at fred.goodwin@homewoodal.org.
The proposed development would include a three-story assisted living/memory care facility, 24 individual and attached residential cottages and a community clubhouse. The facility would also include associated parking, landscaping and other unspecified site improvements.
Kadre Engineering, LLC is requesting that the 7.07 acres, owned by First Baptist Church of Birmingham, be rezoned from the current zoning destination of Neighborhood Preservation District to a Planned Residential District in order to accommodate the senior living facility.
The land consists of nine residential lots, including Hugh Circle ROW. The developers are also requesting approval of the final development plan for the project. Both requests will be discussed at Tuesday's meeting.
To see the meeting agenda or watch the live stream, visit https://www.cityofhomewood.com/meetingscityofhomewood.com/meetings.