Now in its 11th year, Homewood Praying Moms gathers the second and fourth Mondays of the month at Hart and Soul in Edgewood to pray for Homewood children, their teachers and schools. The group, led by Rhonda Moss, asked participants and recipients of prayer to describe what the group means to them.
“Homewood Praying Moms is a group of inspiring and supportive women that get together to talk, catch up and pray. Rhonda is a great teacher for all of us. At each gathering we pray for everyone’s children, the schools, teachers and our wonderful town of Homewood. We end with everyone writing a few note cards to staff members at all five schools to let them know they were prayed for that morning. With everyone being so busy and pressed for time, it is great to sit down and talk with members of our community and focus on what really matters. It is wonderful to have met so many other women that I would have never met without HPMs. A lot of us in Homewood don’t have family in-state, so it’s great meeting people that can help fill that hole. I also love that by the end of the school year every student is prayed for individually.”
– Julie Estep, member of Homewood Praying Moms
“My name’s Abbey Moss and my mom’s a Homewood Praying Mom. Homewood Praying Moms isn’t just a prayer group to me. It feels really good to know that I have God on a constant watch over my school and the faculty, students and all that we do in our day. It’s so amazing the ways that God works in our lives and He really pushes us to achieve great things. With the moms of our students praying to help us realize that we are loved and have potential to do anything that we set our minds too, it impacts many students lives even though they might not know the root of it. Every day I see kids struggling to make the right decisions, and it makes me feel good to know that we have women at home praying for these kids that they might feel the Lord in all that they struggle with. With these ladies praying for us, it’s such a comfort to know that I have God on my side to watch over me, in all that I say, pray and do. And I thank the Homewood Praying Moms for blessing us with this security.”
– Abbey Moss, Homewood Middle School student
“Homewood Praying Moms never fails to brighten my day! Every now and then, I receive a small, bright-colored card in my mailbox at school letting me know that Homewood Praying Moms prayed specifically for me and my class that day. It is amazing how that little note always comes on a day when I need it most. That little note strengthens me and reminds me that Homewood truly is a tight-knit-community. “
– Rebecca Smith, elementary teacher
To find out more about Homewood Praying Moms, visit